Weight Loss – What to Do If Your Weight Loss Stops
Don’t let “normal” set points and weight loss plateaus stop your weight loss plans.You have been careful for weeks at a time, lost weight and suddenly it all comes to a stop. Even if you exercised all along it still can happen. No matter what you do the scales stay the same CBD Gummies + Keto Gummies For Sale Online. You at a set point, or plateau.
This happens to everyone. It’s a normal and inevitable problem. Your system works hard to keep energy intake(food) and output (basal metabolism and exercise) in a very delicate balance. We all like weight loss but our body interprets the weight loss as starvation. It shuts down our metabolism. Our bodies are designed to protect themselves from anything that interfers with our survival. Try holding your breathe, as you read the next paragraph or two and you will see another body function that is built to keep you alive PhenQ weight loss solution.
Think about it, our ancestors, 10,000 years ago ate when they found food. Days could go by without eating. Those that were able to conserve energy, i.e. hold on to the fat, were the ones that lived. So we are programed to conserve our fat for lean times, which are not very often these days Mass Gainer.